WEBINAR: The Jericho Forum Presents Identity Key Concepts

By Ian Dobson, The Open Group

On Thursday, August 16 at 8:00 a.m. PT/ 4:00 p.m. BST/5:00 p.m. CET, identity management experts will host a webinar to discuss the key concepts in identity management today.

The Jericho Forum recently published a video series that looked at the topics of “Identity First Principles,” “Operating with Personas,” “Trust and Privacy” and Entities and Entitlement. The fifth and final video will be released on Tuesday, August 14 and will examine the global identity ecosystem and the key challenges that need to be solved in order to realize it.

During the hour-long webinar, the panel will preview these five short videos, which explain in cartoon-style why “identity” is important to everyone – eBusiness managers, eCommerce operations and individual eConsumers – and how to safeguard our ability to control and manage our own identity and privacy in cyberspace. Then, a panel Q&A will discuss the need as to why every online user needs an identity ecosystem that satisfies our Jericho Forum Identity Commandments. The webinar will also coincide with the second day of the inaugural NSTIC Identity Ecosystem Steering Group meeting in Chicago on August 15-16, in which The Open Group will be a strongly supportive participant.

The webinar panel is made up of the following members and advocates of the Jericho Forum:

  • Guy Bunker, Jericho Forum Steering Committee member
  • Ian Dobson, The Open Group
  • Jim Hietala, The Open Group
  • Dazza Greenwood, MIT Media Labs
  • Paul Simmonds, Jericho Forum founding member
  • Andrew Yeomans, Jericho Forum founding member

To register for the webinar please visit: https://opengroupevents.webex.com/ec0606l/eventcenter/enroll/join.do?confViewID=1002904418&theAction=detail&confId=1002904418&path=program_detail&siteurl=opengroupevents

Here are some additional resources on the topic of identity management that were developed around The Open Group conference in Washington, D.C.:

Ian Dobson is the director of the Security Forum and the Jericho Forum for The Open Group, coordinating and facilitating the members to achieve their goals in our challenging information security world.  In the Security Forum, his focus is on supporting development of open standards and guides on security architectures and management of risk and security, while in the Jericho Forum he works with members to anticipate the requirements for the security solutions we will need in future.


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    Спасибо за понимание


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